
Success Story

How NeoSEM revamped Bruna’s Google Ads campaigns with Channable

August 21, 2024

Bruna, the Netherlands' largest bookstore, partnered with NeoSEM and Channable to manage its massive inventory on Google Ads. By streamlining product feeds and automating ad creation, they boosted ad performance and maximized ROAS, turning a complex challenge into a success.

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How NeoSEM revamped Bruna’s Google Ads campaigns with Channable

Bruna, the largest bookstore in the Netherlands, faced a major challenge in advertising their vast inventory of books and office supplies. With around 1 million products to sell, they required a sophisticated approach to maintain precision and effectiveness in their campaigns.

To face the challenges, NeoSEM, a leading digital marketing agency which manages Google Ads campaigns for Bruna, turned to Channable. Together, we implemented a strategy and the right tools to streamline Bruna’s complex inventory management and create high-impact ad campaigns.

Challenges Faced by NeoSEM

Managing Bruna’s large product range across multiple channels presented several challenges for NeoSEM, including:

  • Vast number of products: Managing ads for nearly one million items, including books and office supplies, required bulk strategies that could also maintain ad quality at the product level. Traffic only sees one or a few ads, so precision and accuracy were crucial.

  • Dynamic assortment: Books are constantly going in and out of stock, and Bruna frequently adds new products, making it essential to keep their ads up to date.

  • Effective budget allocation: It was crucial to ensure that Bruna was spending its advertising budget on the right products. That meant giving bestsellers the most visibility, while taking the short sales peaks for books into account.

To tackle these challenges, NeoSEM leveraged Channable’s platform to streamline Bruna’s ad feeds and get the most out of each campaign.

Channable's implemented solutions

Channable provided an all-in-one solution for NeoSEM, enabling efficient data management, dynamic ad creation and advanced performance analytics. We collaborated with them to develop an effective strategy that addressed the challenges Bruna was facing. This included the following solutions:

Streamlining product feeds with dynamic product management
Step one was to organize Bruna’s huge product list into manageable segments. NeoSEM fed Bruna’s detailed product information into Channable through a range of different connections and product feeds.

For example, English books, Dutch books, e-books and office supplies all came from separate feeds, enabling Bruna to streamline its processes via Channable.

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Channable also enabled NeoSEM to set up filters to remove out-of-stock and preorder books, reducing the number of products to a more manageable 600,000. They achieved this by stacking multiple layers of rules in Channable, which automatically ensured that Bruna would only advertise in-stock products.

While NeoSEM was able to automate most feeds using Channable, they also needed to add manual spreadsheets to allow Bruna to contribute their own input and manage special product lists.

This approach helps incorporate Bruna's up-to-date market insights and trending products. Ultimately, their goal is to use Channable to fully automate these forecasts based on sales data.

Building effective search and shopping campaigns

Creating search ads for specific items was another challenge. Channable’s Text Ads feature allowed NeoSEM to generate dynamic keywords by combining book titles and authors.

This automated process ensured timely and relevant ads for each book. NeoSEM also set a rule in Channable to include only books with at least 10 sales in the past year in the Search campaign, narrowing down the list of titles from 115,000 to just over 4,000.

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NeoSEM applied a similar approach for Shopping/Performance Max campaigns, resulting in nearly 100 different campaigns in Google Ads. They used custom labels to segment products based on performance data.

Optimizing budget allocation and managing short sales peaks

To spotlight the most profitable products, NeoSEM linked sales data from Bruna’s entire online shop to the product feed in Channable.

This data, along with performance data from Google Ads, allowed Bruna to segment its products more precisely. Now, they can categorize products based on their historical sales and performance trends, so that advertising spend is directed only to the most relevant products.

NeoSEM also had to find a solution to account for short sales peaks among Bruna’s products. Books typically only stay popular for about three weeks, so timing is everything.

By incorporating the release date into the product feed in Channable, NeoSEM set a rule to label products as “new” for the first 14 days after their release. As a result, Bruna is now able to automatically highlight new books before the hype around them starts to fade.

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Advanced performance analytics and strategic collaboration

Channable’s also enabled NeoSEM to monitor performance data from Google Analytics, Google Ads and other sources. This real-time data allowed them to continuously optimize campaigns based on product performance, which streamlined the ad budget and maximized ROAS for Bruna.

NeoSEM’s strategic collaboration with Channable was a major factor in achieving these results. Channable’s platform provided the necessary tools for NeoSEM to:

  • Streamline data integration: By consolidating various data sources, Channable enabled NeoSEM to manage Bruna’s extensive product range effectively.

  • Automate ad creation: Dynamic ad generation ensured that Bruna’s ads were always relevant and up-to-date.

  • Leverage performance analytics: Real-time insights allowed NeoSEM to optimize campaigns continuously, so that Bruna’s most profitable products received the most visibility.

Optimized campaigns for maximum ROAS

Channable’s integrated solutions made it possible for NeoSEM and Bruna to manage a large and complex set of Google Ads campaigns. By optimizing feeds, automating ad group creation and leveraging advanced analytics in Channable, NeoSEM has enabled Bruna to advertise more effectively and boost its ROAS.

Are you managing ads for complex product ranges and looking for a way to optimize your strategy? Discover how Channable’s platform can help your agency. Get started with your free trial today.

Vanshj SethBrand Marketing

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