
Success Story

Transforming for eCommerce growth: A success story with brandpfeil

July 25, 2024

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, tools that enhance efficiency, streamline processes, and optimize product data are essential for maintaining a competitive edge for agencies and retailers. This success story explores how brandpfeil, a German digital marketing agency, seamlessly transitioned to Channable, overcoming initial hesitations and significantly boosting client revenue and operational efficiency.

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Transforming for eCommerce growth: A success story with brandpfeil

The challenge of switching solutions

Concerns and risks

Switching from one tool to another always raises concerns, both for agencies and their clients. Brandpfeil was no exception when they considered transitioning from Channel Pilot to Channable.

KPIs such as monthly revenue and sales metrics were at stake. To mitigate these risks, brandpfeil approached the switch methodically, ensuring minimal disruption to their clients' daily operations.

So we sat down with Jan Meißner - Head of eCommerce Business at brandpfeil to hear his story and experience of how he made the switch to Channable and the impact it had on brandpfeil and their client's business.

Minimizing risk and effort

Brandpfeil’s primary goal was to access and store data more efficiently to enhance the quality of product data. Their client of over 9 years, Glogner GmbH, was using Shopware as a CMS and distributing products specialized in industrial supplies and business equipment across three marketplaces.

They needed a solution that wouldn’t interfere with their ongoing business.

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By installing Channable via a simple plugin, brandpfeil could seamlessly tap into their data pool without affecting live distribution. This safe, step-by-step approach allowed them to familiarize themselves with Channable’s features and reduce initial risks when migrating, such as ad downtime or disruptions to campaign performance.

A strategic transition

Implementing Channable

Brandpfeil carefully configured Channable, starting with their first marketplace, Otto, one of the largest marketplaces for users and popularity in Germany. The immediate impact was noticeable: the client's four thousand products showed improved sales due to enhanced product data quality.

The successful implementation highlighted the significant potential of Channable to drive revenue growth.

Overcoming client hesitations

Clients often hesitate to switch tools due to fear of the unknown, potential negative impacts on sales, and disruptions to their operations.

However, brandpfeil's strategic approach and transparent communication helped alleviate these concerns. Clients trusted brandpfeil’s expertise and judgment, understanding that the benefits of Channable's solution and automation far outweighed the temporary inconveniences of the transition.

Key considerations for switching tools

Balancing cost and benefits

For eCommerce advertisers, cost is always a critical factor. However, brandpfeil’s clients understood that the value derived from a solution like Channable goes beyond the initial expense. Channable not only enhances revenue but also significantly reduces process costs.

Glogner recognized that investing in a superior solution could lead to higher monthly revenue and overall business growth.

By lowering process costs through more efficient software, clients save money, which can then be reinvested into other growth opportunities, ensuring a positive return on investment.

Functionality and trust

The functionality of a tool is paramount. Brandpfeil's clients were convinced to switch to Channable because it provided solutions to existing problems that their previous tool couldn’t address.

This decision was heavily reliant on the trust and expertise that brandpfeil had built with their clients, emphasizing the importance of a strong agency-client relationship.

Enhancing agency operations with Channable

Streamlining processes

Channable’s rule creation feature stands out as a game-changer for brandpfeil. The ability to transfer rules between projects simplified complex processes and significantly reduced the time and effort required for repetitive tasks.

For instance, adjusting product names to meet marketplace requirements was made effortless with Channable’s rule-based automation.
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One example was the adjustment of article names to adapt them to the requirements of the marketplaces. A client sells sets of plates in different quantities (4 pcs, 6 pcs, 12 pcs).

They wanted to add the product quantity to the product name within the marketplace. Using Channable allowed them to create a rule that did just that. They could even see the results of the rule in a preview. This option makes the rules easy to use, no developers required.

Error management and dashboard usability

Channable's error messages are quickly generated and highly accurate, enabling brandpfeil to resolve issues promptly. This proactive approach to error management reduced repetitive mistakes and optimized workflows.

Additionally, an intuitive dashboard made it easy for even inexperienced team members to navigate and contribute, enhancing overall team productivity.

Overcoming initial challenges

Support and customer service

The initial phase of using any new tool comes with challenges. Channable’s exceptional customer service played a crucial role in brandpfeil’s smooth transition.

Prompt and professional responses to queries ensured that brandpfeil could leverage Channable’s full potential without significant delays or disruptions, helping smooth out the transition and initial setup.

Team integration

Currently, three team members at brandpfeil work daily with Channable, and the number is growing. The tool’s user-friendly interface lowers the barrier for new employees, making it easier for the agency to scale its operations and integrate more team members into the workflow.
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Embracing innovation

Brandpfeil's journey with Channable highlights the transformative impact of the right eCommerce solution. The seamless transition, enhanced data quality, and significant improvements in operational efficiency underscore the value of Channable.

By trusting in Channable’s capabilities and leveraging its powerful features, brandpfeil has not only optimized its processes but also driven substantial growth for its clients.

Brandpfeil reduced daily work hours required for marketplace management by 30%, and increased clients listed items via the use of rules for optimization by 100% within the first 3 months of going live with Channable.

Glogner specifically saw sales increase by over 250% in their UK market once they optimized their data quality with Channable. This result came from optimizing product descriptions and listings, by combining Glogner's listings with their advertised brand's product descriptions, creating detailed and specific ads.

For agencies considering a similar switch, brandpfeil’s success story serves as a testament to the benefits of embracing innovation and technology in your multichannel eCommerce strategy.

Vanshj SethBrand Marketing

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