
Success Story

Pixmania successful ROI strategy with Channable!

July 4, 2019

Pixmania was looking for a new data feed management tool that would be effective for its marketing strategy and give it both flexibility and stability. Pixmania also wanted to optimize its cost control with an affordable tool and “progressive” plans. With Channable, Pixmania found the ideal tool that met all its needs.

Feed managementOnline store

Reading Time - 3 min

Pixmania successful ROI strategy with Channable!

Pixmania, a trendsetting French eCommerce company

Pixmania was one of the first eCommerce companies in France and Europe. Founded in the early 2000s, its core business was photo printing. Later, it expanded to the distribution of electronic items, such as smartphones, digital cameras, electronics, computers, household appliances, video games, etc. Nowadays, Pixmania is a marketplace with its business settled in 4 markets: France, Belgium, Spain, and Portugal. The French company offers competitive prices on a selection of high-tech products, including smartphones, but also household appliances and urban mobility.

A necessary tool change

Increasing your ROI is a very common goal for eCommerce companies and Pixmania was no different. Pixmania was looking for a marketing automation tool to help increase its performance while minimizing its costs as much as possible. That's why Pixmania chose Channable. Cédric Frémenteau, a web analyst at Pixmania, explains, "We were using another French data feed management tool in the past, but we finally decided to switch all our data feed activities and marketing automation to Channable.”

Progressive plans that defy all competition

In addition to Channable's friendly pricing, Pixmania was also attracted by the flexibility of the subscriptions, which adapts to its monthly or quarterly needs. As Cédric Frémenteau points out, "One of Channable's advantages is the progressive transition between the monthly plans.” Thus, Channable offered to Pixmania the complete flexibility and agility to test new marketing channels, create new feeds for different markets, and adjust its product catalog. The transition between the tools was progressive and smooth.

Channable, an easy and powerful tool according to Pixmania

Pixmania also appreciates the clarity and easy-to-use interface that enables easy management and optimization of its feeds for Google Shopping, Facebook, affiliate platforms, and comparison sites. This user-friendliness helps Pixmania to "fine-tune and strategically manage the product catalog (category, delivery times and costs, etc.)", which is customized and adjusted to the criteria of the various export channels. Centralizing the different digital projects saves Pixmania time, allowing it to focus on analyzing its performance and marketing results.

With Channable, Pixmania has reached its objective of saving time and money thanks to the flexibility and easiness of the tool. Pixmania can continue to focus on its performance and increase its turnover.

Curious to know more about how you can benefit from Channable for your online marketing strategy? Get incontactwith one of Channable’s sales representatives for ademo.

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