
Success Story

Storeis: Improving projects and optimising catalogues thanks to the efficiency of Channable

September 27, 2023

Storeis is an e-commerce and digital marketing consulting agency specializing in various areas including Fashion, Luxury, and Sport. Channable, with its intuitive interface and flexibility, has allowed Storeis to make agile and strategic changes to product feeds. Thanks to Channable's rules and filters, Storeis has improved the effectiveness and visibility of product feeds, contributing to the success of brands in the Sports and Fashion sectors.

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Storeis: Improving projects and optimising catalogues thanks to the efficiency of Channable

Storeis is an independent e-commerce consultancy and digital marketing agency. Their main areas of expertise range from Online Advertising to Web Optimization, from UX to Digital Intelligence. The agency specializes in the Fashion, Luxury, Sport, Retail, Beauty, and Consumer Electronics sectors, and positions itself as a long-term business partner for the brands it collaborates with, supporting their digital transformation processes.

Storeis is FT 1000 Europe's Fastest Growing Companies and Best Workplace for Millennials™ for Great Place to Work™, winner of the Politecnico di Milano's Smart Working Award.

We call ourselves Storeis because we believe that every online store has its own story and we like to think that we can write it together.

We asked the Storeis team to tell us how they use Channable as one of the most effective feed management tools and what its advantages are, while applied to projects for brands like Fizik, PEdALED, Selle Royal, Brooks England, and Khrisjoy.

A versatile and functional tool

The simplicity of use and its effectiveness emerge as distinctive features and have a direct impact on the activities of Storeis and the brands with which they collaborate.

For Piero Milione, Head of Ecommerce of BIDAYAT, parent company of Khrisjoy, “The first advantage in absolute terms in using Channable is the ease of use of the platform, both in the interface and in the ability to work synergistically and effectively in modifying feeds (bulk operations, master rules, copy of rules, previews of modifications, …).

The second advantage is that it contains a wide range of modifications and rules that can be implemented at the feed level. This allows us to enrich, optimize, and adapt the feeds for each adv platform, without having to resort to other means. Finally, Channable allows us to be sure that we can intervene promptly in the event of emergencies at catalog level, with immediate effectiveness.”

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According to Pietro Rusalen, Marketing and media consultant at Storeis who coordinates the Khrisjoy project, Channable is a versatile tool that, thanks to a single dashboard, makes it possible to manage all the feeds of the platforms used, greatly accelerating the workflow. In addition, thanks to the numerous intervention possibilities implemented, the tool allows you to constantly meet customer requests.

If I had to use three adjectives to define Channable, I would define it as practical, essential, and decisive.

Real-time feed optimization to save time and costs

Channable is not only a useful tool for simplifying the creation and management of product feeds, but it also allows for a saving of time and valuable resources thanks to real-time optimization.

For Davide Gaita, Marketing and media consultant at Storeis, the automation features and the ability to synchronize in real time significantly reduce the time and effort required to create and optimize product feeds. This efficiency translates into cost savings and allows you to focus on strategic activities.

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“Thanks to Channable, we can manage the feeds of the multi-channel and multi-country projects of the Selle Royal group in a smooth and fast way. Catalogs and products are constantly changing and with Channable we can promote the products of Fizik, PEdALED, Selle Royal, and Brooks England with always correct and updated information, avoiding inconsistencies. Channable in three adjectives? Efficient, versatile, and fast” adds Davide.

Then, thanks to the effective system of rules and filters, the Storeis team is able to improve the attributes of their feeds and increase the visibility and relevance of the products. As Lorenzo Diana, Digital Analytics Specialist at Storeis, maintain, with this system, any problems present upstream in the product catalogues can be corrected, and thanks to the native integrations of Channable with the main CMS, it is possible to recover information that was not initially present in the feeds.

“The thing we appreciate most about the tool is the ability to “democratize” the creation of feeds, so as to speed up this process and put it directly in the hands of those who will then use them.”

Ability to customize and integrate with different channels

Finally, Channable is considered to be one of the most intuitive feed managers, suitable for those who want to experiment and test for the first time, but also for more structured e-commerce, given the possibility of integration with dozens of channels and to structure filters, labels and various optimizations to product sheets.

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In addition: "Another important plus in daily operations is the clarity of the clarity of the funnel and the steps, in which you are easily guided from step 1, selecting the channel for which to generate the feed, to the last step, connecting the feed to the platform, all in an extremely clear, concise and orderly way."

For Edoardo, the possibility of making changes and updates to already created feeds is also very interesting.

"In this case too, the keyword is intuitiveness, but I would also add dynamism, as making even substantial changes does not have any particular consequences for the other settings of the feed, and there is therefore no risk of altering the initial setting desired for that feed."

In short, Channable proves to be an effective tool for Storeis. Its versatility and speed combine to significantly improve the creation, optimization and management of product feeds. The direct testimony of the Storeis team and the Khrisjoy brand confirm that Channable not only simplifies the operational process but becomes a pillar for the development of successful projects in the field of e-commerce and digital marketing.

Vanshj SethBrand Marketing

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