

Sell on Praxis from your online store

Unlock your growth in the DIY e-commerce segment and manage your product listings and orders on Praxis automatically. Find out how you can scale on one of the leading DIY marketplaces in the Benelux with Channable.

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Leader in the Benelux DIY segment

Maxeda DIY Group is the largest DIY retailer in the Benelux countries and in the Netherlands represented by Praxis. The platform strives to become the DIY search engine for goods related to home improvement and gardening.

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A strong brand

99 % brand recognition in the Netherlands and Belgium for both Maxeda brands. 80.000 products available online.

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Experience & expertise

Over 3 million customer members for Praxis in the Netherlands and more than 130 million visitors yearly on the two Maxeda platforms.


Digital marketing opportunities

Your products will be integrated into Praxis’ Google Shopping feeds, joint group promotions & retail media campaigns. They will receive equal visibility compared to Maxeda’s store products.

Boost your sales on Praxis with Channable’s marketplace API

DIY is a booming category and especially if your product catalog is extensive, automating your listings and orders on the Maxeda marketplaces will be a game-changer. The Channable functionalities are as dynamic as your product data and will enable you to gain maximized visibility while saving valuable time.

  • Increase your sales on Praxis: Bring your home and garden products to the Benelux market faster and grow your sales in a sustainable way. All from one powerful feed.
  • Synchronization of your Praxis orders: Save time by using the Channable API connection to synchronize all your Praxis orders with your eCommerce platform.
  • Keep the overview of your inventory on Praxis: Organize your product data and apply performance insights to optimize your product data for Praxis.

Find out more about Channable’s marketplace functionalities

How can I get started as a seller on Maxeda?

  • It is mandatory for sellers to list their products on both marketplaces, and Product data and customer communication are obligatory to be provided in both Dutch and French. To sell on Maxeda, merchants need to meet a list of requirements.
  • Maxeda carefully selects their selling partners and evaluates the marketplace fit based on several criteria. To apply as a seller, fill in Maxeda’s marketplace seller questionnaire (application is free of charge).

Learn more about the Praxis integration in Channable

Visit our Help Center and find out how to set up the Praxis APIs in Channable.

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