May 19, 2021
Channable has updated its Privacy Policy and introduced a Data Processing Amendment document to ensure a GDPR compliant service.
Reading Time - 6 min
GDPR. Those 4 dreaded letters. The General Data Protection Regulation has instilled a certain amount of frenzy in the past few months. It is a new EU regulation introduced to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe to protect and empower EU citizens. But it needn’t be as scary or stressful as the media make it out to be (who would’ve guessed?). Admittedly, it was about time to update online data protection regulations, the previous one having been put in place a whopping 23 years ago. A time before Google (just), Facebook and Amazon.
The GDPR is being put into place to regulate the collection, storage, transfer and usage of personal data. For people, this is great news. For companies, this may mean a lot of paperwork but also an opportunity for companies to shine light on how they process personal information. Accordingly, these types of companies are coined controllers or processors, depending on what they do with the information. The controller determines the purpose and means of processing the personal data. Processors basically process personal data on behalf of the controller.
Naturally, due to the industry Channable is involved in, Channable is a processor as it processes a certain amount of personal data e.g. names, email addresses, and, if you use the order connection feature, order shipping information. Channable has received many inquiries into the actions that are being taken in preparation for GDPR. So to be more efficient, this post will cover how Channable is affected by GDPR and what you need to do.
Firstly, Channable holds the personal data of its users e.g. names and email addresses. This data is stored and encrypted in Channable’s servers. Therefore, a new privacy policy has been created to better communicate how Channable uses the personal data that you provide. In order to continue using Channable’s tool, you will need to agree to the new privacy policy which can be found in the tool.
The other personal data Channable processes is related to our order connection feature. As a processor, Channable doesn’t interpret or use the personal data that is received from order connections. However, as many of Channable’s clients are sub-processors/controllers and have inquired about documentation, Channable has created its own Data Processing Amendment (DPA) to save you time and effort.
To see whether you will need to read and sign the agreement Channable has made, just follow the flowchart below.
Depending on where you ended in the flowchart you will either have to do:
1) read and accept the new Privacy Policy
2) and read and sign the DPA
The new documents can be found in the tool under Company settings > Legal & compliance.
Our reviewed Privacy Policy makes it clearer for you to know what data Channable stores about you, how it is protected and how you can amend/delete it.
Here's a brief summary of the Privacy Policy:
Some ways your data may be used:
For customers who benefit from our order connection feature, the DPA will be found in the tool, awaiting your approval. The document explains what Channable does with all the personal data that is retrieved from the order connections.
In short the DPA document states:
You will need to agree to the new Privacy Policy, and potentially the DPA, to continue using Channable’s services.
Hopefully now you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that Channable has always prioritized data protection and privacy. Everybody at Channable tries their utmost best to deliver a service that you can trust in. If you’re not yet a customer of ours, feel free to create a free trial account or chat to one of our support members to find out more about how Channable can make selling online a piece of (safe) cake.
As we keep on improving Channable, we would like to share the latest developments with you.