
Channable clothes swap: Spring cleaning never felt so good

May 19, 2021

A clothes swap is perhaps the last thing you’d associate with a tech company like Channable, but not if you know the people who work there. Channable values what is important to its employees and encourages its employees to practice their passions. Hosting a charitable clothes swap gave the ladies of Channable a great opportunity to spring clean, find new treasures and be good samaritans.

Reading Time - 2 min

Channable clothes swap: Spring cleaning never felt so good

In the Netherlands alone, approximately 124 million kilos of textiles per year end up in rubbish tips and are incinerated, which makes reusing clothes deemed fundamental in today’s mass produced society. The trend is not a new one but it’s one that deserves promotion. Year on year unsustainable, fast fashion is having lasting effects. A clothes swap is an event that can stimulate reusing clothes and improve the CO2 footprint of individuals. Afterall, as the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

But how?

Channable’s marketing team took responsibility to schedule the event, hunt for resources - everything from sourcing hangers and mirrors to what refreshments to serve - and manage correspondence with the charities.

The charity chosen to raise money for was Make-A-Wish. A charity that Channable has long supported and is particularly important to certain employees. Make-A-Wish is an organization that goes about fulfilling the wishes of terminally ill children.

In addition, any left over clothes were donated to the ReShare movement by Leger des Heils (The Salvation Army). Leger des Heils is the largest clothing collector in the Netherlands and recycles around 26 million kilos of clothing a year, either to new owners or breaks materials down to be repurposed.

clothes swap channable

The day

The evening itself was a lot of fun for everyone involved. It consisted of prosecco, sushi, laughs but most importantly clothes swapping. Everyone at the office contributed to the mountain of clothes that was up for grabs. In return, everyone walked away with many new items and yet over seven bags of clothing were salvaged and donated. In addition, over 130 euros was collected and donated to Make-A-Wish.

It is Channable’s honour to be able to participate in more sustainable initiatives and support the projects that are important to its colleagues. To read more about what other sustainable contributions Channable has made to society, check the CSR page.

Channable clothes swap

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