May 19, 2021
There is an enormous potential for e-commerce in Switzerland. You’ll need hiking equipment to keep up with it, because the growth of online sales is steep like that of a Swiss mountain. More and more international competitors successfully sell their goods on the Swiss online market, despite the challenges that come with it. Read why you should start selling your goods in Switzerland and what you should keep in mind.
Reading Time - 5 min
Sell in the land of watches and chocolate
From 2012 to 2017, the e-commerce sector grew by 53% and this trend will continue over the next few years. Even if it took the Swiss a bit longer to use online marketplaces, nowadays Swiss consumers love to shop online. Last year, they spent almost 9 billion Swiss Francs (spread amongst only 8 million inhabitants) on the internet. In 2017, almost 20 percent of all online sales were made on webshops from abroad. According to carpathia over the next three years, foreign trade is expected to rapidly increase by another 20 percent. Now is the perfect time to start an expansion into Switzerland. Do you want to jump on the bandwagon? You can profit from the success of international marketplaces and the trend of shopping from abroad if you join the Swiss market now.
The Swiss particularities
International online retailers are on the rise and are unstoppable. But, how do you conquer a market that is resilient? This is a question raised by many online retailers who want to sell their items in Switzerland. Swiss people like Swiss products but competition from abroad is increasingly putting Swiss online retailers under pressure. The Swiss online marketplaces have to compete with vendors and marketplaces from abroad. The online marketplace, Digitec Galaxus, is still the market leader but international players in e-commerce are catching up. Players such as Amazon - who only launched in Switzerland in 2018, Zalando and AliExpress were all in the top 10 top-selling marketplaces in Switzerland last year.
Foreign vendors must make an extra effort and offer good deals to convince Swiss citizens to commit to purchasing. Alongside logistical and administrative hurdles there are further obstacles such as insufficient product information. Product specifications must be communicated as clearly as possible, which can be solved easily with a feed management tool if international vendors want to successfully sell their goods and services in Switzerland.
Climbing over the Matterhorn to reach the Swiss market
Cross-border trade in Switzerland requires some knowledge in the areas of VAT, customs clearance and logistics. In many cases, it pays off to work with logistics partners who are specialized in offering tailor-made solutions.
What are the most important points to consider when trading online from abroad to Switzerland?
The most lucrative Swiss marketplaces
The Digitec Galaxus AG and ricardo are the main Swiss marketplaces in the e-commerce market.
The following channels are also very popular in Switzerland: Amazon, Zalando, AliExpress, Wish, Facebook, and Google Shopping.
Channable offers marketplace connections to Digitec Galaxus and ricardo, and links to many other Swiss online sales channels. With our tool you can adapt your product data according to the requirements of the marketplaces and list your products automatically on the channels.
Do you want to start selling in Switzerland? Get started and conquer the Swiss market!
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