
The Channacademy: Welcome to your personal learning center

November 4, 2022

Ever wondered if you have developed your advertising abilities to the fullest? If you are a Channable user, you are in luck. Explore the Channacademy, your very own personal online training center. Learn in-depth on how to set up your perfect Google shopping feed, amazing Amazon listings or flawless Google text ads, and many other aspects of selling online and in eCommerce. Give yourself the edge you need. Learn with interactive video assignments, step by step tutorial walkthroughs in the basic courses, and in-depth problem-solving in the expert courses. Learn the tool and deepen your marketing knowledge at your own pace and free of charge.

Reading Time - 3 min

The Channacademy: Welcome to your personal learning center

Course library

From the course library overview, all available courses will be displayed. You are able to filter down on ‘Course level’ and ‘Course topic,’ to easily find the right course that suits your need. ‘Course level’ is broken into three categories: ‘All levels,’ ‘Basic,’ and ‘Expert.’ ’Course topic,’ can be filtered by the subject of the course.

The Channacademy currently covers six basic courses that are color-coded with yellow backgrounds and two expert courses with blue backgrounds for easier navigation.

Basic course topics:

  • Fundamentals

  • Imports

  • Export Feeds

  • Export APIs

  • Rules

  • Text Ads


Expert course topics:

  • Expert Feeds

  • Expert APIs

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Channable is constantly getting feedback from our clients and partners and with those insights update the courses on a regular basis. If you would like to give feedback or input please feel free to contact the Channacademy team at:

Channacademy’s training center features

Every course is broken into short videos and assignments designed to guide you through the process of mastering the subject. At the beginning of every course, an introduction describes what to expect of the course and its goals. From there the course structure breakdown will explain what topics will be covered and what the focus points will be.

Every course will include:

  • Instructional videos

  • Assignments / Quiz

  • Explanations and walkthroughs

  • Wrap up / finished examples

Channacademy course overview

Every course takes between 30 to 60 minutes to complete, after which you can immediately use your newly obtained knowledge to further optimize your business.

Get going in your own personal Channacademy account

The Channacademy is a safe learning environment, meaning all courses and assignments take place in a test account. So you never have to touch your real projects or worry about accidentally setting an account live. Every user should create their own account and test company. This way progress can be saved on an individual basis and you can always continue where you left off.

Taking advantage of all the existing and upcoming resources the Channacademy has to offer is easy. All you need to do is follow these five simple steps to create your account and test project:

  1. Sign into the Channable tool and click ‘Channacademy’ in the top right corner of the screen.

  2. Click the ‘Sign up for the Channacademy’ button to receive an invite.

  3. Create your own Channacademy test company for assignments.

  4. Find the invite in your mailbox and create your Channacademy login.

  5. Log in and have fun learning!

Now that you know what the Channacademy is and how it can help you grow, what are you waiting for? Click the button and start learning today!

Sign in to Channable

PS: Need more information on how to create your Channacademy accounts? Find all your answers in this help center article.

The Channacademy is currently available only in English, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the team at:

Read this article in different languages:

Vanshj SethBrand Marketing

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