

Be limited by characters no more!

May 20, 2021

Channable’s character limit warning will have you generating error-free ads even faster.


Reading Time - 2 min

Be limited by characters no more!

If you are working in Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising, you’ll no doubt know their character limits by heart: 30 for headlines and 90 for descriptions. But what does that look like visually?

We know you are busy people and don't have time to count each character - especially if you’re using dynamic fields in Channable’s ad generators. Therefore, Channable has included a visual warning in the SEA tool template builder for when you exceed the limit.

The visual warning will turn the field in question red and will notify you what the character limit is. Even better still, if the error occurs because you are using a dynamic field (those blue and pink ones), Channable will display which percentage of the values exceed the character limit.

For instance, if you decide to use the title field as the headline 1, but 10% of your titles are longer than 30 characters, Channable will display a warning reading “Around 10% of values are longer than 30 characters”. This will save you jumping back and forth between the preview and the ad groups steps. To fix fields that exceed character limits, you can either create rules to shorten the values or use the handy back-up templates.

The character limit percentage warnings will be displayed in the ad template section AND the sitelinks section.

Make your ads more relevant, faster, and error-free with Channable’s SEA tool. Curious to know more about how you can benefit from ad generation and Channable’s SEA tool? Get in contact with one of Channable’s sales representatives for a demo.

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