
Google Shopping advertenties gratis: alles wat je moet weten

19 oktober 2022

A change has come that will have an impact on eCommerce business. Google has announced that Google Shopping listings will be free, starting April 27th 2020, for the US and rolling out in the coming months for the rest of the markets. Google states that this shift has been in the works for some time, but that the current lockdown situation facing the world has sped up the timeline. Channable will outline the new changes and how your business can take advantage of this shift in eCommerce advertising.

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Google Shopping advertenties gratis: alles wat je moet weten

Wat betekent dit voor jouw bedrijf?

Google Shopping maakt al bijna 20 jaar deel uit van de zoekmachine van Google. Sinds 2012 betaal je echter voor het plaatsen van Google Shopping advertenties. Dit betekende dat veel verkopers vanwege de kosten alleen hun bestverkopende producten adverteerden of ervoor kozen alleen Google Search Ads te gebruiken in plaats van Google Shopping. Met de huidige wijziging is een groot deel van de mogelijkheden om te adverteren op de Google Shopping-tab gratis. Dit maakt Google Shopping ook toegankelijker voor kleine bedrijven en stelt retailers in staat om hun volledige voorraad op Google weer te geven. Let op: betaalde Shopping-advertenties blijven op de gebruikelijke plaatsen binnen Google verschijnen, de gratis advertenties zijn alleen van toepassing op de Google Shopping-tab. Maar deze verschuiving maakt Google Shopping voor veel verkopers een beter alternatief dan concurrenten zoals Amazon of eBay.

Google Shopping example
Google Shopping interface

Hoe meld ik me hiervoor aan?

Google heeft aangegeven dat iedereen met een website en/of een online e-commerceplatform, zoals Shopify of Magento, kan adverteren. Zo meld je je aan selecteer in het menu aan de linkerkant 'Growth', vervolgens 'Manage programs' in het Google Merchant Center, en kies daarna voor 'Surface across Google'.

Sneller aan de slag

With many businesses around the world forced to close their physical doors, online sales offer a lifeline! Whether you are just starting out in the world of eCommerce or juggling 4 marketplace connections plus the rest of your business, feed management can save you time and money. What is feed management you may ask? Exactly what it sounds like, a way to handle all of the data coming from your online shop.

Nu veel bedrijven over de hele wereld gedwongen worden hun fysieke deuren te sluiten, is online verkopen the way to go! Of je nu net begint in de e-commerce wereld of al vier koppelingen hebt met verschillende marktplaatsen, feedmanagement kan je tijd en geld besparen.

Why use a feed management tool? Unlike Google Ads which rests mostly on keywords, Google Shopping is based on all the product data found on an online shop. A feed management tool allows you to organize your product data in order to match the categories for Google Shopping and product specifications. For some of the most popular advertising platforms, including Google Shopping, you can instantly generate categories by utilizing smart categorization. This process can significantly speed up the set up of a new connection, maximize your visibility, and increase your reach. If you choose to handle this process manually via a spreadsheet, some of your products may be disapproved by Google. It will then be trial and error until you have fixed all the requirements by Google and are able to advertise again.

Google shopping example listing
Google shopping example listing

Handling Google Shopping campaigns

As stated above, Google Shopping ads are based on a lot more than just keywords. All of the product data is taken into account when Google assesses the quality of the ad. With Google Shopping ads being free to list, it is now more important than ever to have a truly optimized and complete item listing. Fields like image, product title, price, name of retailer, shipping, reviews, and all other relevant information are used by Google to acknowledge your listing as credible and create the ad.

Introducing Channable, the data feed management solution that can handle and automate your entire Google Merchant Center catalog. Channable creates an integrated connection to your online shop, optimizing both your Google Ads and Google Shopping campaigns. With Channable’s Google Shopping API connection, an immediate real-time link will be made with your Google Merchant Center and your product feed. Any products you have listed on your online shop will be automatically updated in your Google Merchant Center and may be advertised. We have only talked about Google Shopping here, but with this same connection, your online shop can connect to over 2,500 other price comparison websites, affiliate platforms, and marketplaces as well.

Increase your online exposure and get your business back where it needs to be, in front of your customers!

Start your free trial today. Your first connection setup is free, as part of our service to get you up and running smoothly.

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