Tweakwise is a software designed specifically to help eCommerce managers get the most out of their online store.
Tweakwise improves search, filter and the navigation of e-commerce platforms and at the same time the understanding of this process for the eCommerce manager. Tweakwise optimizes, automates and informs. This solution is a market leader in the field of merchandising, recommendations and personalization in Benelux. Tweakwise annually handles more than 1 billion in consumer sales.
This SaaS product is already being used by three hundred leading eCommerce parties for hundreds of their online platforms, as well as apps for multi shops. Some Tweakwise customers include Girav, Lucardi, Noppies, Score, Travelbags, Kamera Express, Amac, Beter Bed, fonQ, Kees Smit, Hallmark, Plus en Just Eat Takeaway.
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