

Quick tips to using Google Analytics in Rules

May 19, 2021

Users that have connected their Google Analytics to Channable can now use that information to create specific rules. Analytics can be found in our rules section. You can either specify the selection you make (“if”) with Analytics variables such as sessions, conversion rate, bounces, bounce rate, revenue or transactions, or create actions (then). Adding this information to your feed with a custom label can help you differentiate certain products i.e. bestsellers or lower-converters.

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Quick tips to using Google Analytics in Rules

Have you tried using Google Analytics in Channable’s rule functions? Users who have coupled with their Google Analytics account can use this information as creatively as you like. You can either specify the selection you make (“if”) with Analytics variables such as sessions, conversion rate, bounce rate, revenue or transactions, or create actions (“then”).

Skip straight to rules and go ahead and experiment with using Analytics in the “if” or “then” section. Adding Google Analytics information to your feed with a custom label can help you differentiate certain products i.e. bestsellers or lower-converters. Create new custom labels in setup>edit mapping to use in the “If” or “Then” part of your Google Analytics rule to differentiate certain products.

In the example below we create a new field called bestseller. So any product with a conversion rate greater than 3 will now have the value yes in the bestseller field. This is the information we can then transfer to i.e. the Shopping or Facebook feeds by adding the bestseller field in the finalize step. Why? Because you can then easily push certain products based on the performance within your AdWords or Facebook Business Manager account.

As of the end of 2017, you can now use the Google Analytics variables in the “Then” section to execute actions. Create statements such as calculating actual return on ad spend (ROAS) to measure the efficiency of your digital advertising campaign by using our mathematics rules.

Finally, analytics can be added to your feed in the finalize step so you can send this information to your platform of choice.

If you find a creative way to include Google Analytics in your rules, let us know! We love hearing how you use Channable.

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