January 4, 2023
Despite the increasing opinion that Valentine's Day has become over commercialised, it has surpassed Easter as the biggest retailer event in the first two quarters. That’s right folks, even if you yourself don’t plan on celebrating, it's wiser to adorn your webshop with hearts and kisses, and make sure your webshop is up-to-date with a data feed management tool to be Valentine’s ready.
Reading Time - 5 min
Understandably, not all of you have Valentine’s appropriate gifts. For those of you that do, we have some tips below, but there are other ways to boost website traffic and piggyback off this gift giving event. We’ve written this blog in three segments:
So without further ado, here is our Valentine’s how to:
This recommendation is for those of you that think you’re not Valentine's suited. There are some great examples online of how non-romantic brands advertise at this time of year. One way to do it is to create content . After all, some of the most searched for terms during February include gift ideas, outfit ideas, date ideas, etc. By creating Valentine’s content, you can engage with and inspire consumers in more creative ways to get them to visit your webshop.
You can easily distribute the content using Channable. If you already have your customers’ information in a data feed, you can easily upload this information into Channable and then create a custom CSV file containing this specific target market to send them the market specific content.
For instance, you could create a CSV with all customers who have bought a certain item in the recent past and create a newsletter for them promoting a certain product that’ll go perfectly with their recent purchase this Valentine’s Day. Get creative with puns like “No Valentine's date? Let us light up your life” if you’re a lamp seller, or “Does size really matter? Browse our sofas and judge for yourself” if you sell furniture.
According to Google, one of the biggest target markets are men over this romantic period, who also tend to spend more on presents. Consider creating content specifically targeted to different markets and selling on the sites they frequently visit. Couples aren’t the only market this holiday, there has been a rise in gift exchange between colleagues, friends, and even pets!
For those of you who are lucky enough to have more Valentine's appropriate items, such as gifts, jewellery and raunchier numbers, here are some ways to make your feeds even more attractive this Valentine's.
With Channable, you can easily incorporate keywords, search terms, and other information into product titles or descriptions. You can use keyword tools to find the most popular search terms, as many consumers are searching for unbranded terms and even location specific results. You can easily include values and expressions, like “perfect for Valentine's” to titles or descriptions in Channable, by using the “combine value” rule. It can also be used to meet consumer trends, such as the demand for more delivery options. By combining values such as the title and the delivery time, you can more easily communicate to the customer when the items will be delivered. Notably, to those customers that are perhaps a little late in finding a gift.
If you want to take Valentine's selling to the next step, you can adopt a remarketing strategy with only your Valentine's appropriate items. Remarketing has been shown to help in lowering shopping cart abandonment. Facebook is a popular remarketing channel as you can easily target specific genders, age-groups, etc. You can also set up specific Valentine's promotional lines within Channable and push it to Facebook.
You can now simply duplicate a feed within Channable to save you time in setting up a new one. To do this, you simply need to select Facebook from the selection of channels when adding a new feed.
Channable’s Text Ads feature can further help with the final touches of your Valentine's strategy. Make ads as specific and unique as possible with our dynamic templates. As mentioned above, many consumers search for unbranded keywords and terms not obviously related to Valentine's. Our dynamic fields can be used in the keywords section of building an ad to help increase your keyword compatibility.
If you choose to opt for faster delivery service over this busy period, you can even incorporate dynamic data values such as delivery date into your text ads with our, appropriately, pink Ad Customisers.
So whether you sell lamps, vacations, or more sensual accessories, Valentine's can be a season for everyone. To benefit from all of Channable’s features, just get in touch or create a trial account , and make sure your feeds are ready this Valentine's. Spread the love!
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