
How your skincare routine reveals the best way to connect to a variety of channels

June 15, 2021

Every single year, the amount of online marketing channels increases. Marketplaces, comparison sites, affiliates, social networks, advertising platforms; you name it. They all come with their own requirements and data standards for you to meet. As an account manager in a digital marketing agency, your clients expect you to get their products and services out there in a consistent way. And without tooling, this is where the chaos begins. Do you need a way to easily connect multiple brands to multiple different channels? Say no more, we’ve got you covered.

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How your skincare routine reveals the best way to connect to a variety of channels

An analogy: How would you like the perfect skincare package?

We all have a skincare routine. At least, we all should have a skincare routine. UV radiation is real, people. But, of course, routines differ person-to-person. Our skin’s condition, demands, and expectations vary as well as the effort (and money) we’re willing to put into taking care of our skin. On top of that, the skincare market is confusing and extensive, with new trends, brands, and products popping up every year. Which makes finding the right products to get your skin looking as smooth as butter a real challenge.

You don’t want too many products standing around on your bathroom counter, you want the ones that really work for you. You want to avoid the disappointment and also the waste of money and time that comes with trying new products that just don’t do it.

The perfect package of products that are designed to work individually but also complement one another sounds good, right? What you want is a company that invests time and resources into researching every single ingredient in all of their products in order to create an ideal, consistently good set. You have tried and liked their cream and serum, and then you see a package by the same company with a combination of your two favorite products - maybe they even add a third one that you want to try. Offering you a whole routine that works just the way you need it to.

Choose your tools like you choose your skincare routine

Coming back to your professional challenges, you might find similarities in the decision-making process and expectations that your clients have when it comes to the ease of use and optimized results in their online marketing activities.

As is with skincare products, consistency is key in feed management. And the right set of tools keeps your client’s branding consistent across platforms. Are you aware that customers who are shopping parallelly on multiple channels are observed to have a 30% higher lifetime value?

Of course, there are way too many channels out there to try and cover them all, so you have to find the perfect set of channels for each of your clients. If the connections to these channels are offered centrally in one place, from one brand, your life gets a lot easier.

And when you like one company’s feed management tool and see that it works for your clients, it is only logical to also want your PPC campaigns and performance insights as parts of the package. Like a complementing series of care products.

Your perfect marketing automation package aims for this consistency. You work from one single data feed (your unique precondition) and optimize it with the help of different products and their ingredients. All of these single products have gotten extensive research to make them work combined, but also individually. For every need, there is this one feature that will help you to connect in the easiest and most consistent way possible with your desired channels.

Find more information on feed management and PPC automation for digital marketing agencies on our dedicated industry page.

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Jill KiwittPartner Marketing

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