May 19, 2021
Reading Time - 3 min
Use Channable to integrate to eBay flawlessly. Channable’s latest eBay integration update makes selling on eBay that bit more flexible and faster. Let us show you what’s new and how easy it is to get up and running on eBay with Channable.
You’ve no doubt heard of eBay. Alongside Amazon, it is one of the biggest marketplaces in the world, and it’s an attractive sales channel for many retailers. But are you selling on it? That decision is up to you but a few tempting facts include that there are over 182 million buyers (1) on eBay worldwide, eBay users spend an average of 07.22 minutes per visit (2), you can easily sell variants, create detailed listings, and assign different profiles to products within minutes by listing with Channable’s latest eBay integration.
By choosing to send your products to eBay with Channable, you will be able to upload masses of products with optimized listings in minutes.
Channable supports sending products as a product group with variants. This is a useful function if you have a certain product in many different sizes or colors. Instead of uploading them as separate items, you can set up product groups with Channable. What’s even better about this possibility, is that you will only need to pay the one monthly eBay listing fee for the whole group. Learn how to set up product listings for eBay with our step-by-step tutorial
Channable’s attribute builder is the bread and butter to structuring, building, and sending your information via APIs to channels, such as eBay. Channable offers a complete attribute builder for all of eBay’s categories (and there are many). This gives you the flexibility to optimize your eBay listings by providing the buyer with any and all information they can need. Any retailer will know that today, information is vital in the buyer’s journey. Read more about how to set up attributes with eBay
If you choose to also opt for an eBay order sync in Channable, you will see that Channable will send shipment and offer updates between your online store and eBay. Streamlining your order processing.
Do you have multiple profiles on eBay?
Good news, Channable gives you the flexibility to configure different profiles for selling products. This means that you needn’t only link your products to one payment, shipment or return profile - but with any! This feature is a little more fiddly, but nothing Channable’s technical support can’t help you accomplish.
Keen to get started?
If you haven’t already, sign up to Channable in seconds with your email address. Once you’ve created a project and imported your items, you can start setting up an eBay connection in the API tab. Full instructions can be found on the Channable support site. If you’re already using Channable’s eBay connection and want to migrate to our newest version, please contact your customer success manager or our support team via
Callum explains you in this video how to get started with eBay in Channable.
As we keep on improving Channable, we would like to share the latest developments with you.